AUTOPSY: Knowledge and Perception of undergraduate medical students in current teaching system

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Ramlah Naz
Mehreen Fatima
Smbreen Zameer
Summaiya Tariq
Rukhsana Rubeen
Aysha Ahmed
Fiza Qambar Abro
Amna Ahmed


Objective: To evaluate their acquaintance about autopsy, appropriate way of teaching and to appraise their views for the procedure of autopsy and recognition of Forensic as profession.

Methodology: A cross sectional questionnaire-based study was done in 2015 to 2016, in a public university running modular system. Data were collected by convenient method, from students of 3rd year and ahead. More than 250 forms were distributed and only 193 completed and analyzed by SPSS 17.

Results: Out of 193 students, 165 students claimed to recognize the “autopsy” and 28 not understand the procedure. Only 20 students observed more than 4 autopsies. Out of 193, 179 believed that Forensic education should not be scrapped from the medical syllabi. For teaching methodology 123 preferred a live autopsy and 64 students appreciated watching videos and only 6 favoured books. About 167 students stated autopsy as mandatory in all unsuspected deaths, and 172 agreed for usefulness in medical education but 111 found it disrespectful to the dead body. Around 166 students consider forensic not a prospective profession and 93 suggested its limited scope in Pakistan.

Conclusion: Students were aware of the value and necessity of autopsy as a medicolegal procedure. Adequate time must be fixed for viewing autopsy procedures to insure their complete competency. There is need for continuing efforts to improve the teaching of autopsy within a modular system.

 Keywords:  Autopsy, Undergraduate Medical Education, Forensic Medicine, Forensic Education


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How to Cite
Ramlah Naz, Mehreen Fatima, Smbreen Zameer, Summaiya Tariq, Rukhsana Rubeen, Aysha Ahmed, Abro, F. Q., & Amna Ahmed. (2019). AUTOPSY: Knowledge and Perception of undergraduate medical students in current teaching system. JMMC, 8(1), 1-4.
Original Article