Molecular epidemiology of Hepatitis C virus genotypes and clinical relevance in Sindh, Pakistan.
Main Article Content
Introduction: Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) is a common viral infection throughout the
world. It is estimated that 3% (around 170 million) of world population is affected
by HCV including around 17 million from Pakistan.
Objectives: To obtained definite information on connections between the genotypes and both viral burdens and biochemical markers.
Methodology: This lab-based retrospective study was done from February 2017 to
August 2017 at Diagnostic and Research Laboratory; Civil Hospital Hyderabad. Complete data of 261 HCV seropositive patients was collected.
Results: Out of these 261 patients of HCV, 157 (60.1%) were females and 104
(39.8%) were male. The age between 15-50 years bears the biggest number
(52.49%) of HCV patients. Genotype PCR investigation of hepatitis C infection
showed that 13 (14%) were un-type capable for any genotype. Among the rest
The largest number of patients were from Hyderabad 151 (57.8%) and least number
of patients (1) were found from Bano Aqil. The connection between HCV genotypes
tests, the genotype 3a has been observed to be the most transcendent strain in the
populace (76%). Different strains recognized were 2a (4.9%), 1a (2.29%) and 1b
(2.6%). Genotype 1b was related with the most noteworthy normal viral burden.
and biochemical markers shows prothrombin time was discovered brought up in all
genotypes and egg whites’ level is low just in genotype 2a.
Conclusion: It is reasoned that the HCV disease is as yet an extraordinary issue so it
is prescribed to take further review, need of mindfulness and interferon treatment
anticipation and HCV genotyping which is the need of 60 minutes.
Key Words: HCV, Genotype, PCR.
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