The metabolic consequences of energy drink consumption in Wistar Albino rats- A cross sectional study.
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Introduction: Energy drinks (EDs) are caffeinated beverages, consumed mostly by the young individuals for the sake of getting an instant energy. They also contain some herbal extracts like guarana, ginseng and ginkgo biloba along with B-vitamins and taurine. The undesirable effects are mostly due to a high content of caffeine and glucose in it, which have both the short as well as long term implications. The increase usage of caffeinated beverages among the young population is a matter of concern.
Objectives: To estimate the metabolic consequences of energy drink consumption in Wistar albino rats.
Methodology: For this cross-sectional experimental study, thirty adult male Wistar Albino rats weighing between 250-300 grams were obtained from the animal house of BMSI. Three groups of equally divided number were made and labeled as A, B and C. Animals of Group A served as controls and were fed on a regular laboratory diet and water ad libitum. Animal of B & C groups, in addition to laboratory diet were also feed a Energy Drink in different dose orally via a gastric tube for a period of thirty days on daily basis. Fasting blood glucose and serum insulin were measured in control and treated groups at the end of experimental period.
Results: Fasting blood sugar was found to be significantly elevated in both the low-dose treated (126.80±8.69) as well as high dose treated animals (147.60±8.93) as compared to the control group animals (90.10±13.37). A dose dependent decrease in serum insulin was also observed in the experimental groups. The insulin concentration of group B & C was found to be 7.45±0.82 and 5.66 ±0.36 respectively as compared to 13.61±1.77 in group A animals.
Conclusion: Energy drink consumption can contribute to increase the risk of developing metabolic disorders by interfering the regular glucose metabolism.
Keywords: Energy drinks, glucose metabolism, metabolic disorders, serum insulin
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