Indications and rate of cesarean section after induction of labor.
Main Article Content
Introduction: Frequency of cesarean delivery has exceeded 10 to 15 percent which
is optional by World Health Organization. Not necessarily required cesarean deliveries might be related to augmented danger of neonatal as well as maternal mortality.
Objectives: To assess indications and rate of cesarean section after induction of
labor at Liaquat University Hospital, Jamshoro.
Methodology: This descriptive study was carried at Liaquat University of Medical
and Health Sciences (LUMHS), Jamshoro at Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. All pregnant ladies aged between 18 to 35 years who were undergoing induction
either at term or after term were included.
Results: Labor induced by prostaglandin in 41.7%, by Foley’s in 23.5% while in
34.8% women, both aforementioned procedures used for augmenting labor. Subsequent to induction of labor, cesarean section was needed in 28.3%. Bishop score
was from 0 to 5 in 43% & ≥ 6 in 57%. Cesarean section performed in 29.5% labor
induced women. In 40% of labor induced women, the ground behind performing
cesarean section was fetal distress while in 34% was extended labor.
Conclusion: C-section needed in 28.3% labor induced ladies. Fetal distress and prolong labor are most common indications for C-section.
Keywords: Cesarean section, Indications, Induction, Labor.
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