All manuscripts from Pakistan and overseas are processed without any processing charges; however, once accepted after complete revision processes for publication, the authors are required to pay publication charges of Rs. 5,000/- per manuscript for authors from Pakistan and US$ 75/- in case of overseas authors.

Fee Waiver Policy
Journal of Muhammad Medical College provide waivers on a case-to-case basis depending on the author's country classification. We understand that some institutions may have limited funding for their research activities. Thus, we have established a generous waiver system that may ease the payment of the manuscript handling fee when their researchers choose to publish their manuscripts with us. Our primary goal is to accelerate the dissemination of knowledge by publishing high-quality research articles. We continually pursue this goal without putting an undue financial burden on researchers or their institutions. Hence, we have instituted that the authors from Low Income and Middle-Income Countries may be granted the maximum or full waiver.
To request a waiver, kindly send an application to the journal email ID. The waiver application should contain the manuscript number and state the reason for requesting a waiver. The Journal has the provision to provide a waiver of up to 50% of article processing/publication charges for authors with genuine reasons and those who belong to underdeveloped countries.
Authors, please note that the request for waiver or discount has to be made at the time of manuscript submission. The corresponding author should submit a waiver request to the Journal when payment is requested after acceptance of the manuscript. Please note that the authors' incapacity to pay will not affect the editorial peer review and publication process outcome.